Holiday Rose Bouquet
If you’re looking for a floral gift for someone special this holiday season, the Holiday Rose Bouquet from The North Pole Company is a great way to wish someone a Merry Christmas. Boasting white and red roses with gold holiday-themed ornaments and wrapped with a festive bow, this bouquet is a wonderful way to send your regards during the holidays, either on its own or paired with champagne, wine, chocolates, or other gourmet delights.
DESCRIPTION OF THIS Holiday Rose Bouquet
If you’re looking for a floral gift for someone special this holiday season, the Holiday Rose Bouquet from The North Pole Company is a great way to wish someone a Merry Christmas. Boasting white and red roses with gold holiday-themed ornaments and wrapped with a festive bow, this bouquet is a wonderful way to send your regards during the holidays, either on its own or paired with champagne, wine, chocolates, or other gourmet delights.
Christmas inspired roses bouquet : This bouquet includes a collection of roses and flowers gathered together in a stylized glass vase. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.
Embellishments : Adds a festive touch to your beautiful bouquet